Polina Rud, PhD researcher, author, integral therapist specializing in karmic psychology and archetypes
to help people move away from a victim mentality and realize that the universe operates fairly, despite life often suggesting otherwise. The Archetypal birth-based chart provides a comprehensive understanding of life events from a karmic perspective, explaining why certain events occur, how to mitigate undesirable consequences, and what other challenges may lie ahead. When I stop being a victim, I can act in any circumstance and change my destiny, as karma translates from Sanskrit as action. I am committed to fostering independence in people from external sessions, therapies, and rituals, so my task was to create an instrument that enables them to understand their psyche, interpret, and respond appropriately to any future situations.
guided cacao ceremony
Archetypal psychotherapy
Delve into vitality, empathy, love for the world, action readiness, financial well-being, and more with the sacred beverage.
Experience the ancient Hindu oracle ceremony where a dice roll reveals insights into destiny, guiding you to reach your full potential.
Discover your personalized archetypal chart to uncover solutions for finance, relationships, destiny, business, self-esteem, and more
10-min session of Archetypal psychotherapy with Polina where you will find out everything about your key archetypes
Nordic Mythology and Runes - Aleksandra Tsejan (Russia)
Vedic Astrology - Kali Shankar (Russia)
Course on Theosophy and Living Ethics - Alexey Alferov (Russia)
Universal Therapy (based on systemic constellations and quantum psychology) - Leonid Talpis (Russia)
Transcendental Medicine - Inti Miski (Mexico, Argentina)
Extensive Course on Ayurveda - Dr. María de Ezcurra (Argentina)
Traditional Andean Medicine - Abuela Mamacuna (Peru-Argentina)
Siberian Shamanism, Darkhan - Damdinov Sergey Garmazhapovich (Buryatia-Mongolia)
Music Therapy and Tibetan Bowls - Carlos Colado (Mexico)
Guide to Power Walks in the Mountains - Elfego Magneto (Mexico)

Master in International Relations – Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
PhD in Art History - Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)/ UNAM (Mexico)
When I was 17, I faced death for the first time. On the day of my high school graduation, my first boyfriend, my first love was tragically struck by a car. It was one thing to read about the rituals and beliefs surrounding death in various cultures, but to see the lifeless body of someone I loved was an entirely different experience. I was completely disoriented, as if a heavy weight had crushed me, leaving me with impaired vision and hearing.
I cried incessantly, unable to eat or drink, and struggled with the relentless onslaught of suicidal thoughts, exacerbated by the towering windows of my 23rd floor apartment. It felt like there was only one way out. However, there was a huge bookcase near those windows, and in a moment of overwhelming emptiness and intrusive melancholic memories, my eyes fell on the "Encyclopedia of World Religions" with a bookmark in the "History of Buddhism" chapter. As I delved into the pages of the book, I discovered insights into the rebirth of souls, the concept of the bardo, and the thread that connects the soul to the body, it provided me with solace and a sense of comfort.
However, death is an experienced and profound teacher. It introduced me to a new lesson, assigned me homework, and returned to evaluate the completed assignments. The following year, around the same time, my grandmother, with whom I shared a close relationship, passed away. The grief was overwhelming, the pain just as sharp, but this time, those suicidal thoughts no longer surfaced.
Over the next three years, I attended the funerals of three more loved ones and began to associate spring with death. For some reason, the people I was close to died in the spring when nature was reborn, and their souls underwent a similar transformation. In these moments, my mind often traveled to Lhasa, to the mountains where countless bodies were laid to rest, where death was embraced as a joyful transition, and where the body was seen not more than as a vessel for the soul. In these mountains, people played the Tibetan game of liberation.
Through a series of coincidences and unusual encounters that life provided me, I began to immerse myself in the study of my psyche through this ancient game. More about this game I tell in my book, which will be published by Inner Traditions in late 2024 to early 2025. I spent entire days playing the game, attempting to grasp its intricate concepts. Sometimes, the reasons why I kept landing on the same squares eluded me, and the connections between them were not always obvious. As a result, I began to explore all the states proposed by the game through various philosophical and psychological paradigms. In order to dissect my own psyche based on these theories, I developed exercises and questions for myself, many of which I have been including for more than 10 years now while holding ceremonies of this spiritual game for other people. Thus, each practice I use in my sessions or ceremonies was created as a result of my personal, internal quest for truth, providing me with both relief and understanding of various processes.

While exploring the intricacies of my own psyche, I graduated with a Master's degree in International Relations, a field that may seem far removed from the human soul. However, now working with people, I understand that many programs and beliefs are indeed connected to the social-political context, to disturbances that occurred in the history of a particular culture. Not to mention religion, even as atheists, human psyches are steeped in the religious discourse that dominates society. Thanks to this milestone in my life, I can now work with people who grew up at the intersection of different religions and contexts, can work on a deep level with programs that surpass a person's personal biography and intersect with the history of a country. Often, these are beliefs related to social achievements and finances.
At that time, I was interested not in human consciousness itself, but in what exactly shapes it, what external factors. And I chose to fully immerse myself in the world of art as a shared reservoir of human experiences, legends, recurring themes, symbols, narratives, universal patterns, and myths. The latter serve as cultural blueprints for understanding the human condition, and often during sessions, I find that a person very literally, albeit unconsciously, lives out some mythological plot and several intricate plots at once. Our task at that moment is to track how this plot unfolds and what outcome we want to avoid and where we strive to turn the person's life, so that it does not unconsciously develop along an already written scenario.
Throughout this period, I engaged extensively with diverse groups: teaching students, strategizing with entrepreneurs as a business development director in a PR agency, founding and directing a foreign language school, and curating exhibitions as well as leading a contemporary art gallery with artists. It was during this time that I realized my desire to develop a system or method to assist individuals in understanding their life experiences. I aimed to help them identify dominant archetypes, make necessary adjustments to avoid undesirable outcomes, and become more conscious of their psyche's core drivers influencing decision-making. Consequently, this led to the creation of a book for independent exploration of Hindu spiritual game “The Map of your destiny” and sessions of psychoarchetypal therapy. Through these endeavors, we not only address and resolve current psychological, genealogical, and karmic challenges but also equip individuals with practical tools to navigate internal dilemmas effectively.
• Feel overwhelmed, stressed, or constantly worried about the future
• Experience persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of interest in activities
• Struggle with communication, trust, intimacy, or conflicts with partners, family members, or friends
• Feel inadequate, insecure, or hold negative beliefs about yourself
• Are facing challenges related to finances
• Are coping with the death of a loved one, divorce, or other significant losses
• Find it difficult to adjust to changes such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or becoming a parent
• Struggle with issues related to food, body image, or unhealthy eating habits

• are exhausted from pursuing perfection and setting unattainable standards that hinder your ability to take risks and pursue growth opportunities
• struggle to substantially increase your income
• experience feelings of inadequacy or fear of being revealed as a fraud
• encounter challenges in building a reliable and trustworthy team
• feel stuck in a plateau in both personal and business growth, unsure of your next steps
• experience decision-making paralysis.
• find it challenging to navigate uncertainty
• fear failing to meet expectations or achieve your goals

• encounter creative blocks, where inspiration seems hard to find
• feel comparisons and envy creeping in.
• struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, questioning your talent, worthiness, and ability to succeed
• grapple with questions about your identity and authenticity
• need help in developing new artistic strategies or defining your brand vision.
• struggle to find your public image or determine which aspects of your identity to convey
• experience feelings of loneliness and isolation
• find it challenging to balance your personal aspirations with external expectations from audiences, clients, or sponsors

First, my father passed away, and then, a few years later, my husband. I couldn't stop dreaming about these two loved ones. How strong was my surprise when I understood a strong program in my lineage to love only those who are far away for certain reasons. Through certain practices, we removed this scenario and many other things from my psyche. I can't believe it, but after six years without being with anyone and not feeling any desire, in a couple of weeks, I met someone who reignited a feminine force within me. I am so grateful for psychoarchetypal therapy, and for Polina who knows so much! I am truly living my life now.
For me, our five sessions of psychoarchetypal therapy provided as much assistance as if I had undergone five years of traditional psychotherapy. I was able to work on my conflicting relationships, which have haunted me throughout my life, whether at work or in personal relationships. It was tremendous to realize the karmic program at play and how I can change it! We worked with the phrases "I accept and acknowledge," and I can't believe all the bodily reactions that were happening. I feel relieved, and I no longer have this fear of relating to people.
I had many financial problems; my business was bankrupt for two years. When I went to the first therapy session with Polina, she showed me at the lineage and karma level where my rejection of abundance comes from. But apart from that, due to my karmic inheritance, she recommended certain very specific changes in the business, developing certain directions of my business to properly heal my karma. And it worked! I managed to cover my debts and earn more. Now I am working on the aspects more at the psychological level, we are changing patterns of my beliefs, it is much harder and involves doing tasks that Polina recommends but still we see results! Easy? No! But it works incredibly.
I went through two tragic situations that ended in the death of my wife. Thanks to psychoarchetypal therapy and the Map of your destiny, I was able to understand why everything happened and we worked on the programs that caused it so that it does not repeat in the future. Throughout the experiences, we developed a new life strategy, what to do now and where, how to manage all the consequences of what happened. Very grateful to Polina, she was very empathetic and attentive at every moment of our sessions.
I am a psychologist and I wanted to see how both the method of psychoarchetypal therapy and the Map of your Destiny work. I was delighted with both. Polina works very deeply and sees the cause and effect connections incredibly. We worked on not one or two situations at a time but many because Polina was showing what the root archetype is of situations that seem to have nothing in common. Highly recommended for those who want to see depth and know the truth no matter how uncomfortable it is.
I was in the last cacao ceremony, and it was truly the most intimate and deep cacao ceremony I have ever attended. Polina chose a very complicated topic of self-sacrifice and thinking about others. Inside the effect of cacao, we were working with our voice that was a bodily indicator of certain processes. I left the ceremony not only liberated but with many understandings about how I relate to people and what needs to change.
I was fascinated by the Map of your Destiny! I am a mathematician and I am a good skeptic of all these practices. I thought that in this game due to the probability, I would be advancing! But no, logical laws do not work in this ceremony, the map with Polina's guidance was answering my questions so precisely that I remained silent. I was able to find answers about my love relationships, about my attachments and certain addictions. I also understood where I should go in this period of life. I recommend it to every skeptic, Polina knows a lot, excellent experience.
Polina worked with our entire family, showing us behavior patterns, reasoning, and the provocations from our past lives that influence how we act today. There is much more empathy in our family now; we talk openly and understand the reasons behind our actions. With fewer blind spots, I now understand there is less irritation and less desire to complain or judge others. Polina, we appreciate you greatly, and once our second child gets older, we want him to participate in your therapy as well.
Contact us with the form below writing what issues you would like to address or what services you are interested in. My team will review your request promptly and reach out to you shortly to discuss next steps.
It depends on the service you choose. You may find the price in the detailed description of each service. Once we've agreed on a service, you'll need to make a prepayment for the selected service within 2 days.
Depending on the chosen service, Polina develops your personalized chart within a week, which will be used during the session. Additionally, after payment for each service, a preparation guide for the respective session is sent out.
We're pleased to provide a friendly reminder to Polina's clients one day before each session to confirm your attendance. If, for any reason, you're unable to notify us in advance and miss your scheduled session, regrettably, it will be marked as attended.